Our Mission
According to the United Nations, the global population is expected to reach 9.2 billion by 2050, with more people living in cities with higher levels of both affluence and poverty. As cities grow and become denser, greater access to a wider array of shared resources and assets will become necessary with limited resources and space. There is also the additional problem of A.I., machine learning, and 3-d printing taking over many jobs. This will create the need to utilize our untapped skills and resources to avoid financial hardship.
Ours is an ecological, social, and economic mission. The less we buy and the more we rent and share - the less we have to take from the Earth. We believe renting and reselling is like incentivized recycling and we hope it will connect us and help keep our resources and money local and neighborhoods vibrant.
If you break down the word “company” to its root, you get “com,” meaning “with”, and “pan” (panis), which means bread. To have company is to break bread together. That is why the term “company” is used to describe businesses, army regiments, and the folks that you spend time with. It is about sharing and spending time together. It is this simplicity that guides the ethical standard we try to live by. So, if you happen to be a great baker, why not get started on Rentah, teach some baking classes, and share and spread some of that bread with your neighbors!